October 23rd, 2024 - 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


A screening of the outstanding film, "Why Not Scotland?"


This film will show at the Library Meeting room with popcorn so be sure to attend. You will also be able to zoom in.


Across mainland Europe, nature is making a dramatic recovery. Wildlife is returning, forests are expanding, rivers are being set free and wetlands restored. As nature bounces back, people are returning too, finding new economic opportunities and enjoying the many benefits of a revitalized landscape.


So, if rewilding can happen elsewhere in Europe, why not Scotland?


All programs take place at the Prospect Heights Public Library's AB meeting room and on Zoom. Talks start promptly at 7:00. Nature Speaks is free admission but registration is necessary.

Flo, is a young Scot from Glasgow. Seeing the depleted state of nature across her own country, Flo feels dispirited and, like many of her generation, increasingly fearful about an uncertain future.


However, on a journey around Europe, Flo encounters a different story, finding places where nature is making a dramatic comeback, revitalising human communities. Encouraged by these stories of hope and renewal, she is prompted to wonder: if this is possible elsewhere, then why not Scotland?

Watch the trailer


Common crane, Grus grus - © Mark Hamblin

Abernethy forest at dawn. Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. © James Shooter/scotlandbigpicture.com

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, newly hatched chick in wetland habitat, Caithness - © Mark Hamblin

Melancholy thistle with group of kayakers on River Spey, Insh Marshes, Cairngorms - © Mark Hamblin

Evening light over west coast of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland - ©Peter Cairns/Northshots

European Beaver (Castor fiber) eating Lilly roots - © Philip Price/scotlandbigpicture.com

Scottish Wildcat (Felis silvestris) in pine forest. Scotland, July - © Mark Hamblin.

Admission is free of charge but you must register for in-person for this one time viewing. This program will not be recorded.



Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission

8 N. Elmhurst Road

Prospect Heights, IL. 60070

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